Lithuanian Automobile Sport Federation has confirmed preliminary calendar of next year Lithuania Rally Championship. “Samsonas Rally Rokiškis” will be held in Rokiškis area on 14 – 15 of August.
Organizers are happy to announce that date of event is not the only one piece of good news. “Samsonas Rally Rokiškis“will also be the event of Latvian Rally Championship. So spectators will have a chance to see best rally teams for Latvia. According to organizer of event Audrius Gimžauskas, during few last years Lithuanian and Latvian Automobile Sport Federations had different directions of work. However, now they got finally together again.
“Collaboration and friendship which continued for around 20 years but was ended somehow finally returns. Thanks to our as organizes big wish and to new management of Lithuanian Automobile Sports Federation, thanks to new president collaboration and trust was returned”- said Audrius Gimžauskas.
Organizers also inform that in addition to being the event of Latvian Rally Championship, “Samsonas Rally Rokiškis“ will also have a status of „Baltic Rally Trophy“ and „R2 Baltic Cup“ wherefore spectators will have an opportunity to watch perspective young drivers from Baltic countries.
„Due to all these reasons spectators will benefit as they will see guests from other countries as well as very fast neighbours. Participants will benefit as they will have very good rivalry. It is also good for us, organizers, as event will become even more attractive and more interesting for the audience, which gathers dozens of thousands in Rokiškis“ – said Audrius Gimžauskas the ogranizer of „Samsonas Rally Rokiškis“.