Rokiškis city attractions
- Priest – enlightener Jonas Katele’s museum & crafts centre of Panemunelis
A memorial museum of Jonas Katele opened to the public in 1883. It was housed in presbytery of Panemunelis church. Since then, it has exhibited a collection of crosses and a unique exposition sacred to the memory of the very first theatrical acting in Lithuania. A nearby crafts centre organises a series of educational programmes for those interested in wood carving, weaving, stonebreaking, apiculture and other trades. You will also get acquainted with Gireišiai station, a part of triangulation chain of Struve Geodetic Arc, its history, functional purpose and folk dresses of the countries it crosses.
- Vaclovas Kontrauskas’ collection of antiques in Laibgaliai
A collection of antique consisting of several thousand items has been accumulated at the old homestead. Here you will see a wide range of exhibits starting with dowerchests, metal reliefs of Lithuanian rulers, distaffs & spindles, coffrets, horn decorative items and ending with the pieces of furniture, means of transportation and farm implements. A big part of the collection consists of handmade items produced by folk craftspeople who, in Soviet times, worked at art factories
- Rokiskis Manor ensemble – Regional Museum
This place attracts both foreign and Lithuanian tourists. Supposedly, construction of the manor house was completed under the supervision of Laurynas Stuoka Gucevičius by 1801. Today’s visitors usually spend more than an hour doing sightseeing here, especially when they are accompanied by a qualified guide, and as a result, they leave impressed with what they saw and learned. (Tel. + 370 458 31512)
- Salos manor ensemble
There are not so many places in Lithuania like Salos. The estate was mentioned in written texts from as early as the 16th century. Its manor house was established in a beautiful park which still attracts people to walk around. Supposedly, the park is one of the oldest in the country going back to the times when it belonged to the Radvilas. Later, under the ownership of Tyzenhauz counts, the manor estate became the centre of cultural life for all parish, moreover, the best feasts of Kaunas province used to be arranged down here. Nowadays, it is well known with the cultural events like international conference on linguistics, classical music concerts and festivals. (Tel. +370 682 66 998)
- Ilzenberg manor
The only completely restored estate of Lithuania is famous with its unchanged 19 century manor house, harmony with surrounding scenery and advanced farming. The most amazing parts are designed for recreation and long walks along over three-kilometre paths of well groomed, 15 ha, English – style park. A gracefully shaped bridge will take you to the weaved with legends Island of Love resting on Ilgis lake. The mansion farm is also unique since it follows the principals of natural farming, the highest standards of ecological and environmental management. You are welcome to stay longer and have meals from the locally grown, raised and produced food.
(Telephone for reservations +370 616 29 375)
- Gacionys manor
Built in the 19 century, the estate was turned back to Antanas Rozen, a descendent of the Rozen dynasty. Fifteen years ago, the manor house was authentically restored in a stylish neoclassical design. The estate was always famous for its cuisine, so these days, nothing much has changed. All dishes are cooked and served by the owner, baron Piotr Rozen. The menu is mainly made up of Polish, French, Italian and Lithuanian dishes. You are welcome to stay per night, and have dinner accompanied by intellectual conversation, warmth and hospitality of the owner. Please do not forget to walk along the 200-year-old linden alley. (Tel. +370 686 29 438)
- The most beautiful churches of Rokiškis land
Rokiskis St. Matthew the Evangelist Church
This one of the most beautiful Neo Gothic architectural ensemble in Lithuania, and pearl of the town was left by the Tyzenhauz family for the future generations. Every tiny detail of its interior was thoroughly chosen and adjusted. The church ensemble was the most ingenious and artistic among the architectural complexes of the 19th century. The family vault was set up under presbytery where the remains of Reinold Tyzenhauz, a founder of the church, are resting.
Salos St. Cross Church
It was designed by the Austrian architect Georg Werner who also built the gorgeous Rokiškis church. It was rigged up with the squared fir logs and bound with planks. The interior is very nice, with a lot of interesting small eclectic details, Gothic style arches and three wooden altars. This church is a true worth for historians, architects and art critics.
Jūžintai church of St. Michael the Archangel
The structure of a very complicated configuration was built from the clay bricks, with domination of Baroque style and Renaissance elements. It is the only church in the Baltic states having a monastery, though inactive these days, just behind the altar. There is an assumption that sinful monks lived there in very ascetic conditions, asking the Lord for guidance and forgiveness. Jūžintai church has become a very popular destination for tourists.
Onuškis St. Michael the Archangel church
One of the oldest in the country, a wooden church of Neo-Baroque style was placed on stone foundation. In the centre of a large altar, there is a life-size sculpture of the crucifix, Jesus on the cross. The church draws attention of construction experts since it was built without pillars or bearing elements, just using wooden nails and articulations.
- Museums
Rokiškis regional museum
Museum was established in the premises of manor estate in 1952. Over 80,000 artefacts has been accumulated since then. The Museum’s permanent exposition gives an overview of the history of Rokiškis land, culture and mode of life at the manor estates. Exceptional exposition presents the unique creation of Lionginas Šepka (1907-1985), the most outstanding Lithuanian godmaker. You will also be pleasantly surprised seeing the exhibition of Christmas cribs, the only in the country. Over 100 cribs were made by the annual contenst participants, professional craftspeople and amateurs. Art shows, plein airs, classical music concerts and literature evenings regulary take place in the premises of the crib exposition. Museum staff has prepared over 40 education programmes for the people of different ages. (Tel. +370 458 31512)
Kriaunai museum
Museum displays the permanent exposition of history and ethnography. The section of agricultural inventions draws everyone’s attention: flax seed grinder and oil press machine, step forge bellows, cabbage shredder, apple juice press machine and many others. The typical country house interior design of the beginning of the 20th century is also liked by the visitors. The museum prepared education programmes ”The history of handbags” and ”Bee the Grey”. (Tel. +370 617 95200)
Obeliai resistance museum
Museum accumulated a rather rich collection of coins, banknotes, medals, orders, and other valuable artefacts. It also displays the archive of Lokys division partisans, who operated in the north-east of Lithuania. Besides, another room exhibits the period of creation of Lithuanian army, fight for freedom and independence. Education programme ”Revealing winter misteries” is offered. (Tel.+370 458 79 603)
The Memorial Museum of Justinas Vienožinskis
Justinas Vienožinskis (1886-1960) is one of the most prominent personalities in Lithuanian culture of the 20th century. A professional painter, brilliant teacher, farseeing and principled critic of art, active organizer of cultural life and modifier of cultural milieu, he accomplished significant deeds in many spheres of culture. He spent his childhood and youth in Dačiūnai village, near Obeliai, Rokiškis District, where a big part of his creative inheritance was painted: native home, landscapes, series of portraits. Works of art, painting tools and supplies, furniture, family relics and photos are displayed in his homestead, which still has not lost its 19th century’s authenticity. (Tel. + 370 458 78 893)
J. ir A. Tunaičių ethnographic homestead –museum
Museum was established in the premises of a very old Tunaičių homested. A wonderful collection of an average farmer lifestyle in 19-20 centuries, agricultural tools and equipment, woodworker small tools, spinning and weaving machines and some others.
(+370 458 75564)
- Meet. Recreate. Taste.
Thematic education programmes of Rokiškis regional museum.
Museum staff have prepared a wide range of education programmes: history of Rokiškis land, the past of manor estates, the development of ethnoculture, ancient crafts, calendar festivals, ancestors’ childhood, growing and processing flax, old dairying methods, ways of candle dipping, spoon carving, coinage, Easter egg decorating and many, many others. Altogether, nearly 40 programmes are offered, and each one is fitted for children and adults of different ages. However, one of the most popular programme is ”The Road of Cheese” when you learn about old traditional dairying methods and taste various types of cheese with herbal tea, jam and vegetables. (Beforehand booking tel. +370 458 31 512, +370 615 44 586)
Wine tasting at R. Nagelė’s homestead
A vintner follows very old traditions of winemaking and, as a result of his creativity, nine of homemade wines were awarded with Certificates of Lithuanian National
Heritage.Visitors are welcome to have a view of the farthest north vyneyard, to taste various fruit and wines, to learn about winemaking quiddities and to see the greatest boast – wine collection stocked in a cellar. (Tel. +370 686 11 912)
Beer and cheese tasting party
The old cellar just in the centre of the town invites to taste the collection of wellknown ”Grand” cheeses along with various beers from Aukštaitija breweries and cepelinai (a potato-based dumpling dish). (Tel. +370 610 00610)
Tasting of national heritage food in Juodupė
You are welcome to visit ”Šakočių ir baravykų namai” / ”Home of tree cake and boletus” located near the bakery. High class bakers provide education programmes demonstrating the process of cooking. Tree cake is made of butter, eggs, flour, sugar, and cream, cooked on a rotating spit in an oven or over an open fire. So you will be able to try your pastry-making skills cooking this delikatessen yourself. This workshop attracts both youth and old age. (Tel. +370 656 80 373)
Education programme ”Rafting on Sartai lake”
While rafting, you will hear lots of stories about Sartai regional park, Bobriškis old believers and their house of prayer or just admire the mounds and breathtaking scenery. Kriaunai resort will greet you with the local songs and dances performed by a folk group. (+370 6 17 95 200)
Lionginas Šepka park
Rokiškįs is famous for the largest in Europe thematical park of wooden sculptures, founded in commemoration of L. Šepka, the best-known god-maker of the 20th century in Lithuania. The most skillful woodcarvers participate in the annual plein air competition, so as a result, over 100 sculptures beautify the park. All of them try to interpret the creation of the old master, at the same time revealing their own vision and individuality. Some of the sculptures are functional, for enretainment, and these are loved by children the most.
Open-air gallery of ornamental window shutters
Since 2005, it has become a tradition to organize plein air of painting the window shutters, aiming to ressurect a house decoration tradition. The central Respublikos avenue still reminds the village ūlyčią (road street) with its one-story houses built in the inter-war period. The diversity of motifs impresses: the world tree, heaven light, Baltic mythological signs, geometric ornaments, figure compositions, national tracery, fauna symbols, still lifes, portraits, articles of archeology, Lithuanian millennium emblem, abstractions, and many others.
Rokiskis Calvary
Rokiskis Calvary is the ensemble of seven sacramental monuments, symbolising Jesus’ suffering on the way to Golgotha. Count Reinhold Tyzenhauz took the initiative, and construction began in the second half of the 19th century, after the wooden church had been destroyed by fire.
UNESCO World Heritage object – Gireišiai station, a part of triangulation chain of Struve Geodetic Arc
A triangulation chain was being measured during the years 1816-1855, aiming to determine the exact size and shape of the earth. Gireišiai station is one of three points existing in Lithuania. The station belongs to the 2nd category of the most important geodetic points of a coordinate system.
”Dolls’ house” museum in Bajorai village
Museum is established in the local community centre of culture. The collection numbers over 1,000 dolls and puppets, which have been displayed since January 1999. It is a very special place with cosy atmosphere for „ČIZ“ theatre performances, festivals, education programmes, dolls’ manufacturing and creative camping.
- Nature
Sartai observation tower
Impressive, 35-metre-height tower, with the spiral staircase can be an extreme challenge for those who want to get an eyeful of the splendid scenery of Sartai lake, with its islands and bays, in one word, a picture that is worth a thousand words.
A path in Dusetai forest
It is located in Dusetai wood of Kamajai forestry, a part of Sartai regional park. The track length is 3,4 km, with 14 information stations. There are a board walk across the swamp and an observation tower. Guided tour takes nearly two hours. XY:612144, 6185520 (LKŠ);55.7911, 25.7882 (WGS).
Vaidlėnai (Miliūnai) dam recreation area
This recreation area occupies about 8,5 ha of Rokiskis forestry. There are five well equipped bonfire spots, bathing-boxes and fairly large space for parking vehicles. Fishermen will be happy to see the small bridges all around the dam, while cyclists and walkers stroll along the paths. XY: 597766, 6212445 (LKS); 56.0361, 25.5688 (WGS).
Bradesiai oak tree
The oak tree of Brodesiai is listed among the natural objects protected by the state. You need six adults to clasp its trunk, and the locals sometimes call it the brother of Stelmužė’s. It is said that in ancient times, there was an enormous oakery called Tiltalemiškiai in between Bradesiai mound and Sartai lake. So, the oak tree is the only reminder of those days when the Baltic tribes used to gather in circles for ritual songs and dances, bringing gods a sacrifice of praise. Touching the altar set by the tree, you feel the sacredness of this place, therefore, the modern Baltic faith believers often perform rites here.
Goat’s stone (Ožakmenis)
You will find this stone in Gyliai wood of Vyžūnai forestry. Its size 5,1 x 3,0 x 3,3 m. In 1964, it was announced as a geological natural monument. In 1985, it was ascribed to the monuments of the state significance. Lots of of deers and elks have sharpened their antlers in its sides, whereas bears, wolves and lynxes their nails.
- Events
International festival of organ music
This annual cultural event is organised by the initiative of Rokiškis Branch of Panevėžys College in honour of Rudolf Lyman, – Czech musician, pedagogue, and organ player. The festival begins along with the Town Day and lasts for about a month.
”Lino mūka” (Flax harvesting)
In September, when flax is ripped, a traditional festival comes over to Panemunėlis land. It is one of the most amazing autumn feast with cultural, religious, folkloric and educational roots. This holiday brings lots of joy recalling the traditions of ancient farming, sharing creativity or just socializing. Women usually demonstrate flax processing beginning with pulling, stooking, rippling, retting, breaking, scutching, hackling, spinning, and finishing with weaving and bleaching. And only then, they will display their own handmade works like linen rugs and towels. As for men, they show how to weave ropes.